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Our goods are hand-harvested and naturally dried in Slovenia (EU) under regulated operations free of pesticides and herbicides. BE HEMPY is a youthful collective that ensures that our products are used properly. Trained counsellors from our centre make calls on a regular basis to assess the impact of utilising hemp products in order to achieve optimal use. We provide fully free professional guidance at all times and can be reached at +386. The industrial hemp used to make Be Hempy products is grown in such a manner that it has a low THC level and a wide spectrum of phytocannabinoids. Because the allowable THC value in hemp in Slovenia (EU) is less than 0.2%, our products are lawful. Our goal is to provide locally manufactured industrial hemp goods to local customers. We stand hard behind our products and are glad to claim that we have gained the confidence of over 150,000 satisfied clients, including those from other countries. Since 2014, our goods have been on the market. We are...